Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Contributed by : Ms.Keerthi Hundekar,Bengaluru.

Celebrating Mother's Day on 9th of May everyyear expressing Why every child should celebrate Mom's day Special. There is a beautiful Jewish Proverb on Mom...

" God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." How True...

In India, the families still have joint family system though it is on the decreasing side, but bonding between each other in these type of families is strong. In western countries, the concept of Mother's day has become an essential day for expressing gratitude and love to their respective mothers becoz of time and individualistic family life. In India, its the other way. Everyday we express our love to mother since without her, no family can function completely.
Can we say Mother's day is her entire day for doing her own things, recreation and bring back those memories when she was not a she is free to express and live for a day carefree! with out any responsibilities.

Whatever, Happy Mother's Day Mom! and to all Mothers of the World with Love! Take care!

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